
The Grain Mix

Here are the grains that I use on a regular basis:

Thanks to our fabulous cousin Debbie who introduced me to this mix in the first place! I have tweaked it some to basically this:

2 parts wheat berries
1 part rye berries
1 part oat groats
1 part hulled barley (not pearled)
1 part millet
1 part brown rice

That is the basic whole grain mix that I put in big 5 gallon buckets. To the basic mix I can then add other grains to it as desired. I have added 1 part spelt in my last batch.

The corn and beans can be added for hot cereal and baking as well, I just haven't done much baking with them yet.

Other grains I would like to try include amaranth, kamut, and teff. If anyone has any insight, I'd love to hear about it.


Elizabeth said...

So do you use this in place of whole wheat in your baking? Is it for taste, texture, nutrition or all of the above?

Hudson Family - Memories said...

Ok...First of all thanks for posting all this great info...But you lost me at "amaranth, kamut, and teff." What kind of language are you speaking? LOL!

Joe Hudson